Annex to the Hochmeisterkirche,
listed building, 1908-10, builder Otto Schnook
Client: Evangelische Hochmeister-Kirchengemeinde
Situation: The Hochmeisterkirche is located on a very small triangular plot surrounded by streets. It is used for services and ceremonies but also intensivly for concerts, theater performances and other cultural events. One focus of the community is the work with children and adolescents. Due to the lack of service and sanitary areas the activities cannot be extended. Since an intervention in the original building is not possible, and the plot around the church is extremy limited, an agreement with the city of Berlin was elaborated for a small annex building housing the missing functions.
Planning: The one story high, round glasbuilding also serves as showcase of the community, using the windows for exhibitions and information. On the groundfloor is a multifunctional room for different activities like workshops and a cafe, in the basement is the sanitary area, storage and a small kitchen. A plattform elevator and a staircase links both leves. A long ramp, embedded in the garden design garanties a barrier free access to the church.
Project participants: Statik: Hans Jürgen Krawitz
Team NM: Annika Lindberg