Olympic Training Center Parque Villa-Lobos, São Paulo, Brazil
Client: Ministry of Sport, Recreation and Tourism of the State of São Paulo
Planning: Urban planning feasibility study with cost estimates and a feasibility study as part of PPP, integrating a high-rise building for commercial use, 2009
Concept: Urban planning and architectural design for a new sports performance center in the state of São Paulo. The property is located next to Parque Villa-Lobos, and has direct access to public railway. The proposed facility consists of training and competition facilities for 28 Olympic sports. A central building offers living accommodations for athletes (600 beds) and a sports medicine institute for research and more. A private fitness academy and sports leisure themed shopping centre are located between the training center and Parque Villa-Lobos. Plot 258,000 square meters, approximately 265,000 sqm GFA.
Project team: Pedro Moreira with GCP Arquitetos, São Paulo, (project)