Mausoleum Hitzig Family, Old Dorotheen-City Cemetery, Berlin-Mitte
Monument, 1882, architect Hermann Ende
Planning: Expert opinion on monument preservation, restoration, documentation, 2007
History: When Hermann Ende was entrusted with the construction of the mausoleum, he faced a great challenge. He not only had to design the resting place of his teacher Friedrich Hitzig, but he also had to form a dignified background for Karl Friedrich Schinkel's grave in front of it.
Schinkel, Hitzig, Ende, three names that stand for the continuation of the most important line of tradition in Prussian architecture. The Hitzig mausoleum also has a special significance because most of the buildings of Friedrich Hitzig and Hermann Ende were demolished during the decades of Berlin's expansion or destroyed during World War II.
The restoration of the three secco paintings on the main portal was carried out by the studio Rolf-Gerhard Ernst (Berlin/Munich). In GDR times, the paintings had been repaired with unsuitable materials and were in danger of falling down. After removal of the touch-ups, securing and basic cleaning, the restoration was carried out with the aim of restoring the overall impression of the main facade, also as a background to Schinkel's tomb. The images of the portal show the resurrected Christ with the archangels Gabriel and Michael. Gabriel holds an architectural model in his left hand and a pen in his right. During the work it became apparent that the model was a previously unknown version of Schinkel's design for the Berlin Cathedral. Friedrich Hitzig was his assistant on this project.
Project participants: Jockwer Engineering Office, RMS Restoration Company, Wall Painting: Rolf-Gerhard Ernst Restoration Association, Dessau Stonemasonry Workshops
Collaborators:Johannes Bausch, Dulcineia Gomes dos Anjos