Pedro Moreira
born in 1965 in São Paulo, graduated in Architecture and Urbanism at the FAU-USP 1987, upgraded to Dipl.-Ing. at the Technical University of Berlin in 2003
Languages: portuguêse, german, english, spanish Member of the Architects Chamber Berlin and São Paulo, CREA and of Germany
Architectural Practice
founded Nedelykov Moreira Architekten in 1998 with Nina Nedelykov
1995-98 collaboration with Nina Nedelykov and Carsten Granz as NGM Architekten, Berlin, 1992-95 worked for architectural offices in Berlin, 1989-91 in London, and 1985-89 in São Paulo.
Publications / Lectures
Lectures in Universities in Germany (TU-Berlin, FU-Berlin, Uni Leipzig, TU-Braunschweig, HafenCity Universität Hamburg), in Brazil (FAU-USP, FAU-Mackenzie, FAU-PUCCAMP, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Universidade Federal de Salvador a.o.) in the United Arab Emirates (American University of Sharja), at Architects Chambers and Architects Assotiations (Architektenkammer Berlin, Colegio Arquitetos de las Islas Canarias, Bund Deutscher Baumeister, Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten, IAB-BA u.a.).
Numerous essays and articles about Architectural History, Contemporary Architecture and Urbanism in Brazil, Germany, Argentina a.o.. Correspondent of the brasilian magazine Oculum (PUCCAMP) and the Internet-portal Vitruvius-Arquitextos (SP).
Other Activities
- 2009-2010 Advisor of the IBA-Hamburg for the german contribution to the 8th International Architectural Biennial of São Paulo. Concept and Realization of the international Workshop "City for all" with venues in São Paulo and Hamburg
- 2001-2003 Supervisor for international projects at the Bauhaus-Dessau-Foundation, in projects in Brasil (Favela Jacarezinho, Rio de Janeiro) and Ethiopia (Comments to the Addis Abeba Masterplan and Redevelopment of the Merkato area)
- 1998 Juror in the Competiion „Licht im Städtebau“ (Light in Urban Design) promoted by the Wohnungsbaugesellschaft Hellersdorf mbH, Berlin
- 1994-1996 Advisor for the Brasilian Embassy in Germany regarding the Embassy´s transfer from Bonn to Berlin